
Elevating Cineclube Cauim’s brand experience and providing a user-friendly digital channel to donators.

Cineclube Cauim is a non-profit entity founded in 1979 that promotes citizenship through Culture and Education in Ribeirão Preto and the State of São Paulo. Their main goal is to promote social inclusion through culture, filling gaps and enabling access to the universe of the 7th art for segments of the population that the income factor leaves excluded.


Cauim was looking to reach new audiences and increase donation collection in general to finance more education and cultural projects for low-income people, especially children.


The solution encompassed a complete rebranding initiative along with the development of a new website that would reflect the institution’s values and enhance donators engagement.

Main Tasks

As the sole designer entrusted with this project, my primary objective was to craft a comprehensive solution that would elevate Cineclube Cauim’s brand experience and provide a user-friendly digital channel to donator explore its offerings and donate easily.

So I divided the project into the following steps:

  1. Research and Discovery
  2. Brand Identity Redesign
  3. Website Design and Development
  4. Content Strategy and Integration

1. Research & Discovery

In the initial phase of the project, I delved into a comprehensive research and discovery process to unearth the core essence of Cineclube Cauim, understanding its rich history, its audience, and the broader cultural context of Ribeirão Preto. This phase was crucial in shaping the subsequent stages of the rebranding and website design process.

  1. Desk Research
  2. Audience Analysis
  3. Competitive Analysis

Key Learnings

  1. Heritage and Legacy: Cineclube Cauim’s rich history and cultural legacy were foundational to its identity, necessitating a design approach that honored its heritage while embracing modernity.
  2. Community Engagement: The institution’s success hinged on fostering a sense of community among cinephiles and engaging them through immersive film experiences, events, and educational programs.
  3. Visual Aesthetic: While the rebranding aimed to inject freshness and vitality into Cineclube Cauim’s visual identity, it was essential to strike a balance between contemporary design trends and timeless elegance that resonated with the institution’s values and audience preferences.
  4. Digital Experience: With an increasingly digital-savvy audience, the new website needed to offer seamless navigation, intuitive functionality, and visually compelling content to enhance user engagement and drive conversions.

The challenge lay in modernizing the logo without diluting its well-established recognition. To achieve this delicate balance, I retained the essence of Cineclube Cauim’s logo, infusing it with symmetry, boldness, and legibility suitable for various digital and physical applications. The result was a refined, modernized logo that maintained its iconic features while exuding a fresh, contemporary vibe.

Preserving Identity with a Modern Twist

Retaining Essence and Recognition: Central to the modernization process was the preservation of the logo’s core elements that had become synonymous with Cineclube Cauim’s identity. Key features such as the typography, layout, and central iconography were carefully retained to ensure immediate recognition and continuity with the institution’s heritage.

Infusing Symmetry, Boldness, and Legibility: To inject a modern twist into the logo, I focused on enhancing its symmetry, boldness, and legibility. By refining the proportions, streamlining the design, and optimizing readability, I imbued the logo with a renewed sense of clarity and impact, ensuring its effectiveness across various digital and physical applications.

Striking a Balance: Achieving the delicate balance between modernity and tradition required thoughtful consideration of each design element. While introducing contemporary aesthetics and design principles, I remained mindful of the logo’s history and legacy, ensuring that any changes were respectful of its roots and resonated with Cauim’s audience.

Embracing Vibrant Colors: Infusing Modernity and Freshness

To signal the institution’s embrace of modernity and freshness, I introduced a vibrant color palette dominated by a regal purple hue, symbolizing uniqueness and distinction within the non-profit landscape. Complemented by bright colors such as yellow and green, inspired by Brazil’s national colors, the palette added versatility and creative freedom to Cauim’s brand materials, while also signaling diversity and inclusivity.

Primary Colors

Primary Pure

Primary Light

Primary Dark

Support Colors

Support Yellow

Support Lime

Support Green

Neutral colors

Neutral Pure

Neutral Light

Neutral Dark

Typography: Enhancing Flexibility and Accessibility

In embracing the Rubik open-source font family, Cineclube Cauim not only secured a reliable typographic foundation but also reinforced its commitment to accessibility, inclusivity, and cost-effectiveness. With its extensive range of variations, flexibility in design applications, and exceptional legibility, Rubik served as a powerful tool for expressing Cauim’s brand identity with clarity, consistency, and visual impact.

Expanding Brand Assets: Elevating Cineclube Cauim’s Visual Identity

In conjunction with the logo redesign and color palette development, the creation of additional brand assets played a pivotal role in enriching Cauim’s visual identity and ensuring its adaptability across diverse mediums. By introducing dynamic elements such as logo distortion patterns, I aimed to inject versatility and innovation into Cauim’s brand identity, enabling infinite applications and reinforcing its dynamic presence in the cultural landscape.

Logo Distortion Patterns: The logo distortion patterns were conceived as a creative interpretation of Cauim’s logo, imbuing it with a sense of movement, depth, and dimensionality. These patterns introduced an element of dynamism and visual interest to Cauim’s brand identity, transforming static elements into dynamic visual experiences. By distorting and manipulating the logo in various ways, I sought to evoke emotions and intrigue, inviting audiences to engage with the brand on a deeper level.

Elevating Film Ads: Infusing the New Brand Identity

In line with Cineclube Cauim’s rebranding efforts, a fresh approach was taken to the creation of film advertisements, leveraging the colors and elements of the new brand identity to enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of promotional materials. The primary objective was to elevate the film’s original banner design while ensuring that crucial information such as release dates, screening times, and age ratings were communicated clearly and effectively.

Clear and Informative Messaging: One of the key priorities in designing the film ads was to ensure that essential information was communicated clearly and effectively. Release dates, screening times, and indicative age ratings were prominently displayed, allowing audiences to make informed decisions about which films to attend. Clear and concise messaging ensured that the ads served their intended purpose of generating interest and driving attendance.

New Video Experience

In collaboration with a talented video maker partner, Cineclube Cauim embarked on a transformative journey to revitalize its video experience, introducing a captivating new video intro that epitomized the institution’s revitalized brand identity and colors. This partnership not only breathed fresh life into Cauim’s video content but also established a cohesive visual identity across all digital platforms.

Application to Podcasts: In a particularly noteworthy application, the new video intro was incorporated into Cauim’s latest podcast episodes, featuring prominent guests such as a Brazilian senator. By seamlessly integrating the intro into the podcast’s video format, we elevated the overall production value and professionalism of the content, while also reinforcing Cauim’s brand presence and identity across diverse media platforms.

Bringing Cineclube Cauim’s Brand to Real Life Experience

With the dawn of a new era for Cineclube Cauim, marked by a modern and dynamic new location, the opportunity arose to reimagine the institution’s physical space and infuse it with the vibrancy of its reinvigorated brand identity. As the designer spearheading this endeavor, I embarked on a journey to conceptualize and actualize a cohesive and immersive physical experience that would resonate with visitors and embody Cauim’s newfound energy and vitality.

Envisioning Cohesive Signage Concepts: Drawing upon the revitalized brand identity, I conceptualized a comprehensive signage strategy that seamlessly integrated Cineclube Cauim’s new logo, colors, and design elements into the physical space. Using Photoshop, I crafted mock-ups and visualizations of various signage elements, including entrance signs, directional signage, and promotional displays, ensuring consistency and cohesion across all touchpoints.

Perfect Timing for a New Beginning: The timing of Cauim’s relocation to a modern and contemporary space couldn’t have been more opportune. This transition provided the ideal canvas upon which to apply the institution’s fresh brand identity and bright colors, transforming the physical environment into a vibrant reflection of Cauim’s renewed spirit and vision.

Improving volunteers experience with Cauim’s new brand t-shirts

Additionally, I designed new t-shirt designs for volunteers and donors, aligning with the brand’s values and fostering a sense of community and pride among stakeholders.

Increasing donation with local artists exclusive t-shirts

Innovating upon traditional donation methods, Cineclube Cauim introduced a novel approach to incentivize contributions while celebrating local artistic talent: the creation of exclusive Donators T-shirts. These T-shirts not only served as a token of appreciation for donors but also as a canvas for showcasing the work of talented local artists.

Collaboration with Local Artists: To bring this concept to life, Cineclube Cauim collaborated with a diverse array of local artists, providing them with a platform to showcase their creativity and talent. Each artist was invited to contribute original artwork to be featured on the front of the Donators T-shirts, offering donors a unique and visually captivating incentive to contribute.

Brand Representation: On the back of the T-shirts, prominently displayed beneath the artist’s design, was Cineclube Cauim’s logo accompanied by a message of gratitude and support. This not only reinforced the institution’s brand presence but also highlighted the collaborative nature of the initiative, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between Cauim, its donors, and the local artistic community.

Incentivizing Donations: The Donators T-shirts provided donors with a tangible and meaningful incentive to contribute, transcending the traditional notion of philanthropy by offering a wearable symbol of their support for local arts and culture. This tangible benefit not only encouraged new donations but also fostered a sense of pride and ownership among existing supporters, strengthening their connection to Cineclube Cauim’s mission.

Before embarking on the website redesign journey, it was imperative to diagnose the shortcomings of Cineclube Cauim’s old website. Unfortunately, the existing platform was plagued with numerous issues, from functionality glitches stemming from WordPress plugins to a lack of communication with the public. Furthermore, the website’s outdated design resembled a simple blog page, failing to encapsulate Cauim’s vibrant identity and failing to provide crucial elements such as donation channels and calls to action.

Diagnosis of the Old Website

  1. Functionality Issues: The website’s functionality was hindered by WordPress plugin problems, leading to inconsistent performance and user experience.
  2. Poor Communication: There was a notable absence of effective communication channels, hindering Cauim’s ability to engage with its audience and foster community involvement.
  3. Lack of Donations: The absence of clear calls to action and digital donation channels meant missed opportunities to garner financial support and sustain Cauim’s initiatives.

Revitalizing Cineclube Cauim with a New Website

The new website breathed fresh life into Cineclube Cauim, serving as a digital manifestation of its revitalized brand identity and values. Here’s how:

Brand Integration: The website prominently featured Cauim’s new brand elements, with purple hues dominating the color scheme, reflecting the institution’s uniqueness and distinction. A hero section welcomed visitors with a compelling video and a clear call to action, inviting them to contribute to Cauim’s mission.

Engaging Content Sections

The website was designed to captivate visitors with visually striking sections dedicated to Cauim’s history, legacy, and impact. Photos of Cauim’s past events, a dedicated Cauim TV section, and a dynamic blog kept visitors informed and engaged, fostering a deeper connection with the institution.

Strategic Calls to Action

Throughout the website, strategically placed calls to action urged visitors to donate, ensuring that supporting Cauim’s initiatives was both effortless and accessible. These calls to action were strategically positioned to maximize visibility and encourage visitor engagement.

Testimonials and Endorsements

Compelling testimonials from renowned figures like Caetano Veloso and Sócrates underscored Cauim’s cultural significance and legacy, reinforcing its credibility and impact in the community.

Modern Footer Design

\The website’s footer featured a modern design, complemented by endorsements from influential figures like Sócrates, further amplifying Cauim’s stature and influence.

Empowering Digital Donations

The integration of the donation platform into the Cineclube Cauim website represented a significant milestone in empowering digital donations and fostering community support. By offering flexible donation options, subscription-based contributions, and robust security measures, the platform facilitated a seamless and rewarding donation experience for supporters, enabling Cauim to sustain its cultural enrichment initiatives and continue making a positive impact in the community.

In conjunction with the rebranding efforts and website redesign, a robust content strategy was devised to amplify Cineclube Cauim’s impact and reach across various digital platforms. This strategy encompassed a multi-faceted approach aimed at leveraging compelling narratives, testimonials, and visual storytelling to engage audiences and foster community involvement.

Rebranding and Social Media Integration

As part of the comprehensive rebranding initiative, all of Cineclube Cauim’s social media accounts were updated with its new brand identity and colors. This cohesive approach ensured consistency across digital channels, reinforcing Cauim’s visual presence and identity in the online sphere.

Communication Strategy

Central to the communication strategy was the cultivation of authentic narratives highlighting Cauim’s profound impact on people’s lives, particularly children. Testimonials from teachers, politicians, donors, volunteers, and supporters were curated and amplified through various communication channels, underscoring the institution’s significance in shaping communities and enriching lives.

The heart of the content strategy lay in the personal stories and testimonials shared by individuals whose lives had been positively impacted by Cineclube Cauim. These testimonials served as powerful endorsements of the institution’s mission and efficacy, resonating with audiences on an emotional level and inspiring them to engage with and support Cauim’s initiatives.

A Holistic Transformation of Cineclube Cauim’s Digital and Brand Experience

The holistic transformation of Cineclube Cauim’s digital and brand experience represents a testament to the power of strategic vision, collaboration, and innovation. By leveraging insights from research and discovery, revitalizing the brand identity, enhancing the website experience, and implementing a compelling content strategy, Cauim has positioned itself as a vibrant cultural hub, poised for continued growth, impact, and relevance in the years to come. This project not only strengthens Cauim’s connection with its audience but also reaffirms its commitment to enriching lives through the transformative power of cinema and cultural education.

Samuel Bember

Product and Service Designer at Cortex